Ten p.m. the night before, my cell phone rings. The number is that of a producer I work with in San Francisco. He's asking if I could be in a small town south of Fresno before sunrise to shoot a cotton harvest. The best directions he could give me were GPS coordinates, six hundred miles away from my home in Southern Utah. I knew nothing about harvesting cotton and now I was being paid to produce a story about it and about Calcot, a company that manages one of California's biggest agricultural exports.
It is at this point for any documentary photographer where the contexts of the story need to be identified in order to form questions, create photographical approaches and select the right equipment for the job.
Contexts are the realm of where the message, the intended communication takes place. There are five - physical, psychological, social, cultural and temporal.
The physical context is where the story takes place. For this assignment, the story was somewhere near Fresno, California.
The psychological context is the desired objective of the story on the audience. This is typically described by the client. This one wanted a commercial that would run nationally about the hard working cotton farmers of California, creating an empathic appeal with the audience along with raising awareness of the cotton industry.
The social context for this story deals with relationships - the role of the cotton farmer and that of the Calcot representative, as well as the relationship between Calcot and buyers of their product, like Levi-Strauss, Nike, and WalMart. This project needed to put Calcot in a position of credibility and prestige.
The cultural context deals with the value of cotton in consumer goods in the US, as well as with the people who work in the industry. The cultural values of hard work, families and teamwork were to be represented in the media.
The temporal context, like how the physical context is the location of the story, deals with the timing of the story. For this assignment, the temporal context dealt with the season of cotton harvest, as well as with the actual day of the harvest, depicting a day-in-the-life, the chronological flow of the story.
What does this have to do with documentary photography? Everything.
An analysis of any story's context provides background and a starting point to produce and collect images. It encourages an art directed approach, suggests colors and filters, how to move the film plane, how to manipulate the focal plane, what focal lengths lend themselves to best capture the context of the story.
I assembled the gear, a compliment of fast lenses that would enable wider exposure ranges in early morning and evening light, two cameras that would expedite the process since I'd have to work quickly to keep up with the harvest, and a SteadiCam mount that would allow me to move and follow smoothly on rough terrain.
Below are screen shots from the raw footage. This was shot in 720p, long before 1080 had come along.
The central valley of California has a perpetual diffusion of light due to its thick atmosphere of humidity, dust and smog that accumulates from coastal urban areas - the physical context. This combination creates a natural filtration and color influence, an infusion of amber that saturates the rest of the color palate. I wanted to use this artistically, so I shot everything in existing light using only white bounce reflectors.
The image above is an establishing shot, giving context to the physical aspect of the story. I shot it wide like this, then medium, then close up as the combines moved to my film plane.

The image below is from the footage that introduces the farmer of this particular field. It's close on him, just a bit higher to create a background of his product, and he is illuminated by rays of the rising sun as they shine through the valley's atmosphere. The light is soft creating subtle shadows while picking up pigments of flesh tones, denim and the cotton he is wearing.
Then the Calcot representative arrived at the location and I immediately put him into the shot, capitalizing on the golden hour light I had, creating a relationship - the social context. His placement is back behind the farmer, suggesting support and backing.
I should note as a photojournalist, I never direct emotion, I never say "Look this way," or "smile." I'm there to capture their story, not the one I think is their story.
And, of course, the product, the cotton. The depth of this is shallow, bringing out the detail of the bloom and its thorns along with the ruggedness of the hands.
This is a transitional shot, compressed detail - telephoto on the combine - shallow depth of field to focus on the product.
The story included the processing of the cotton. Automated cotton gins run around the clock during harvest. Again, existing light is used, this time with tough contrast with the burning highlights allowing depth and detail in the shadows.
During the evening's golden hour of light - the temporal context - I shot another farmer, a family man. This was composed to increase empathy of the value of family and hard work - the cultural context - standing in the field, the combine in the background, the evening sunset light illuminating.
A transition, closer on the family, with the telephoto focal length giving a compression to the shot. The film plane was just below the cotton line to bring in some foreground elements.
Their Calcot representative is introduced in the same physical context.
Another close up on hands, clearly hard-working and involved.
The sunset shot, literally. Every story needs one, a temporal hint of the end of the story, wide, inclusive and with this one I was lucky enough to have the farmer walking away from the day's harvest.
There is a pattern to my shooting, regardless the story - wide, medium, closer, extreme close up. This creates a palate of shots that any good editor can use to create segments that tell the story. Each shot, though, is backed up by an analysis of contexts - the place, the people, their story, the feeling, the objects of that story, their relationships, the values, the time that passes - all considered in my decision-making process in shooting the story.