One of the challenges in producing documentaries is keeping the on-camera interview segments visually interesting. I like this challenge since as a photojournalist I find stories in the expressions of the people I interview, at times even more so than the supporting footage.
What I've learned after producing hundreds of interviews is to anticipate, to illuminate, and to compose inside and outside compositional rules.
预期 Anticipate
While anticipation is not a photographic technique, this concepts drives what I do photographically while filming an interview and it is relatively simple: listen to what is being said and anticipate non-verbal expressions and reactions during the interview.
If the person being interviewed is telling a story, I will always start by framing them up in a standard medium shot with enough room in the frame to allow their gestures to be seen. Typically this is framed from lower torso to the top of the head with enough headroom to balance the composition.
When the person being interviewed becomes more involved or emotional within the interview I'll slowly push into the person or if the the producer is asking a question off-camera, I'll quickly bump in close and pick up my filming with the subject framed closer, typically just below the collar bone to just below the top of the head, looking something like this:

While shooting the interview I do not lock down the head of the tripod, keeping pan and tilt fluid. I maintain enough drag to keep movements from being too sudden, but loose enough to pick up any action of the subject. If my subjects looks down, for example, I'll float the frame down with them, using the focus of their eyes as a vector for the direction of my film plane movement. Should their eyes look to the hands, I'll let the frame drift down to them, linger there for a moment and then crawl the frame back up to their face.
Since much of what we say is non-verbal, and much of our non-verbal expression is outside the scope of the face, I find it better story telling to pick up on these cues, anticipating where the subject's emotion or tension might be focused. Often, the hands are a great place to look.
照明 Illuminate
Look closely into this subject's eyes and you will see the catchlights, tell-tale signs of how she was illuminated. The soft, short loop shadow under her nose is a clue as well. She was lit using a glamour set-up of three point lighting with a key light just above and forward of her face, a bounce fill underneath her face to pull detail in the shadows of her hoodie, and a very faint backlight that illuminates from behind her separating her form from the black background.
Three-point lighting is a technique inspired by the Dutch Masters of painting, modeling the face with a main light, or what is called a key light in photography, bouncing light back into the shadow side of the face with a reflective material or lamp called a fill and then separating the subject from the background with a backlight or what is commonly called a kicker.
One standard of interview lighting is a three-point set-up called a Rembrandt, after the artist, and is illustrated below.
It's called a Rembrandt because of the triangle of light that models the cheek of the face opposite the key. The triangle is created by placing the key fixture 45 degrees off the center of the subject's face and about forty five degrees above. The exact position is finessed a bit to create a long loop shadow of the nose that falls into the cleave of the cheek while still maintaining the key's highlight in both eyes. Before any additional light is added, I pull an exposure off the highlight side of the face.
A fill is then introduced, either from another fixture or some type of bounce fill, to bring detail back into the shadow side of the face. Photographers vary in this exposure with ratios of half the fill exposure to the key or more or less. I let the story we are there to film dictate the level of dramatic lighting: the lower the ratios the less dramatic, the higher the ratios the more dramatic.
The same can be said for the backlight's exposure varying in intensity depending on the drama of the interview.
For example, the subject below is the survivor of a motorcycle accident that resulted in a severe brain trauma. It's a remarkable story, especially considering the odds he overcame to a complete recovery.
The ratio of the key highlights to the fill shadows is about 3:1, making the photography more dramatic, but I decreased the ratio of the backlight to give dimension and a bit of an exposure pop to the side of his head and even more to the rim of his glasses, framing out his eye on the shadow side of the face.
He is being lead camera-right, meaning while he is composed in the frame camera-left, his face turns into the frame right, and while his eyes are to the camera for this shot, he is talking to a producer off-camera to the right where he made eye contact. My style in interview illumination is to produce the highlight on the side of the face that is away from the camera, allowing the shadow side of the face, the more modeled and dramatic to be featured closer to the camera.
A word about the eye placement - When interviewing people who are not the host of the program nor play any role in interacting with the viewing audience, their eyes should stay on the producer, the person conducting the interview, or what is called subjective framing. If the person is telling their story directly to the viewing audience, such as a host or narrator, their eyes should go to camera for objective framing.
We will be practicing all these techniques in Wednesday's studio time.
遵循或打破构图规则 Composing Inside and Outside the Rules
I am hoping you have noticed that this image breaks some rules of composition, how he is composed and lead in the frame. The term lead means the direction the subject is facing and the space they are facing into is called lead-room or nose-room. Were this composition framed according to these guidelines, the subject would be positioned more camera-left since his body and face is turned camera-right. For the purposes of this interview, a graphic element would come in over the white negative space on the left side of the frame, and the talent had an edge to him, an attitude that played better having him composed in this way.
The Rule of Thirds, as discussed in the Landscape Chapter, apply in framing interviews as well, along with the rule of Frame Forces.
Faces lend themselves to the golden rule, unique compositions in and of themselves, but frame them under the same compositional influences using thirds and the images breathe. Imagine if each of these following images were framed dead-center, static.

The first subject flirts a bit with the frame that is closest to her face, the one that is camera-left, and her framing is breaking the common rule of leading - she is crowding the frame. Her proximity to the frame's edge acts like a magnet, pulling her closer to the frame. This is called a frame force. The Rule of Thirds forces her eyes to the frame which induces a bit of bounce back with their eyes. Since the eyes are closer to the frame, it is as if the edge draws the eyes' direction to the frame as well, but instead they bounce back to the film plane, taking your eyes into the frame. This creates an image that is more dynamic and interesting. She is lively and vivacious and spoke in her interview with great energy so I used that energy to frame her differently and lend to the context of her story.
The second subject's composition exploits the thirds rule as well, but the energy here is more riveting on her eyes by the placement and the lack of influence of the frame. There is no ricochet like the one above, so framed due to a number of factors; the sub-composition of the contrast of her hair against her hoodie against the background and the remarkable agreement between her eyes and her smile.
I don't often recognize these influences during the shoot, this has become instinctive for me over the years. It's more a matter of trusting the movement of my own eye in the viewfinder and the subtle adjustment of the film plane to capture something that communicates.