基础水平测试 Baseline

1.     以下定焦镜头中,哪个光圈最大
(Of the prime lenses listed below, which is the fastest?)
A. 28mm f /2.0
B. 50mm f/1.7
C. 180mm f/4.0
D. 300mm f/2.8
2.     如果在光圈为8,快门速度为1/125秒时曝光正确,那么为了得到浅景深,将光圈打开到2.8时,合适的快门速度应该是多少 
   (If an exposure is calibrated at f 8 with a 1/125th shutter speed, opening the iris for a shallow depth of field to a 2.8 would result in s shutter speed of)
A. 1/1000th
B. 1/500th
C. 1/60th
D. 1/15th 

3.     以下定焦镜头中,哪个广角最大?
Of the primes lenses listed below, which is the widest?)
A. 28mm f /2.0
B. 50mm f/1.7
C. 180mm f/4.0
D. 300mm f/2.8

4.     以下光圈能达到最浅景深的是?
(Which f-stop would allow for the most shallow depth of field?)
A. f /11
B. f/ 22
C. f/ 1.7
D. f /2.0
E. f /8 

5.     以下光圈能达到最大景深的是?
(Which f-stop would allow for the most depth of field?)
A. f/11
B. f/22
C. f/1.7
D. f/2.0
E. f/8 

6.     以下哪个焦距能造成画面在镜头轴向最大程度的压缩?
(Which focal length would result in the most compression?)
A. 28mm f/2.0
B. 50mm f/1.7
C. 180mm f/4.0
D. 300mm f/2.8 

7.     感光度数值越高
(The higher the ASA/ISO reference number the)
A. 画面中噪点越多(more noise is induced into the image.)
B. 感光设备越不敏感(less sensitive the pick up device.)
C. 感光乳剂对光越敏感(more light sensitive the emulsion.)
D. 底片上的颗粒感越小(less grain is present in the negative.)
E. A和C(Both A and C.) 

8.     感光度100和200的区别与以下哪一个相同
(The difference between 100 ASA and two hundred ASA is the same as)
A. 光圈4和5.6的区别(the difference between f/4.0 and f/5.6.)
B. 快门速度1/60秒和1/30秒的区别(the difference between 1/60th of a second and 1/30th of a second.)
C. 光圈8和5.6的区别(the difference between f/8 and f/5.6.)
D. 快门速度1/125秒和1/250秒的区别(the difference between 1/125th of a second and 1/250th of a second.)
E. A和D(Both A and D.)